All forms are due three weeks prior to attending camp. Please note, this is a new policy.
The sooner you get forms in the better.
We suggest you make a copy of any form you send in the regular mail or drop off at the Y.
All forms must be completed before your son will be allowed to attend camp. If we can help with any of the forms in any way, please contact the camp office by calling 802-652-8180 or e-mail by clicking here.
How do I upload forms to my account? To upload a document to your account please follow the following steps.
- Log into your online account by clicking here
- Pull down the “Additional Options” tab at the top of the page
- Click on the “Document Center“
- Choose the file you would like to upload
- Follow directions after the upload
If already signed in to your account you can go directly to the Document Center by clicking here.
Doctor’s Exam Form. This is a one-page form that must be signed by the physician every year. Once complete, you may mail in, fax, or upload the form to your account. Our camp accreditation requires campers to have documentation of a physical examination conducted by a licensed physician within two years prior to their stay at camp. While campers do not necessarily need a physical every year, we do need to have a new form completed on a yearly basis. We are not able to use a health form from a previous year. Click below for a printable version of the form. This form is not available as an online form because it needs the doctor’s signature. This form is required for both Day and Overnight campers
Click here to print a copy of this form
Link to upload forms
Immunization Record. Camp Abnaki requires a copy of current immunization records.
Link to upload forms
Insurance Card Upload. Camp Abnaki requires a copy of current insurance information.
Link to upload forms
Health History Form. The camper’s parent or guardian must complete and sign this four page medical form within 6 months of their camper’s stay at camp. Please provide camp with a copy of both the front and back sides of your camper’s health insurance card. Please contact the camp office if anything on the form changes after you have sent it in. This form is required for both Day and Overnight campers.
Please mail, fax, or upload your completed medical forms to camp as soon as possible. All forms are due no later than 3 weeks prior to attending camp. We cannot allow any camper to remain at camp without a current and complete health form. These medical forms include documentation of parental consent, allowing the camp staff to provide emergency medical attention for a camper if necessary, and basic health insurance information to be used if the camper requires medical care or prescription medication.
Click here to fill this form out online.
Camper Information Form. This form is filled out annually by both the parent and camper. The parent side gives our staff helpful information about the camper such as fears or strengths. The info will not be seen by your child and will only be seen by the staff working with your child and used to insure that he can get the most out of his camp experience.
The camper side allows our staff to get to know the camper before they arrive at camp. We use this information to help place campers in cabins and to better prepare for their stay at camp. This form is required for both Day and Overnight campers.
Click here to fill out the form online
Family Confidential Form. This form is filled out annually by the parent or guardian. As a non-profit we rely on United Way allocations, public funds, private foundations, and individual contributions to support scholarships and programs. It is our goal that every boy be give the chance to attend camp. We ask that you help us educate our community about the people involved in our programs by completing this form. Your answers will be kept anonymous and confidential. This form is required for both Day and Overnight campers.
Click here to fill this form out online